If you haven't already heard about the Ultimate Blog Party you should check it out. It looks like an exciting way to meet other mommy bloggers and get a taste of life in someone else's (read: more chaotic) life!
So, I'm signed up to join the party fun! I guess I ought to post an introduction for those who don't know me. I started this blog last fall but decided to finally start writing last week. Hey, things have been a little busy here...
I'm Heather and I'm a mom to 4 amazing children. My oldest (a boy) is 4 and is gifted but also suffers from Sensory Integration Dysfunction. It makes for an exciting life! My second child (another boy) is my quiet, sensitive little guy. He's 2 1/2 and he's definitely mama's boy. Then there are the twins (identical girls) who just turned 10 months old this week. They're personalities are opposites but they look just alike.
I'm also a labor doula, new LLL Leader, and ICAN leader in my "spare time." It's awesome! A crazy, busy life but a life filled with blessings. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I got started as a doula a few years ago after a bad hospital birth experience. Then I planned a homebirth for my second child and ended up with a cesarean. That led me to ICAN, LLL and certification as a doula. My twins were born at home (a glorious HBAC) last year. I feel like I've come full circle.
That's my life in a nutshell. Oh, and I'm also an Army wife so we are transplanted across the country every so often just to keep things interesting. Yep, that's about all.