Then on the 4th we went to our small town's 4th of July picnic. It was quite a show too. They did karaoke this year. Just for some background, we live in a SMALL town in the South. We are from the DC area. I never thought of myself as a city girl because I like the country. Or at least I thought I did until we moved here. I'm definitely not a southerner! So this picnic is like culture shock for me.
At one point a lady stood up and sang "Happy Birthday" and tried to sound like Marilyn Monroe. She could have passed for Marilyn had she been able to carry a tune. Or been 300 pounds lighter. Or perhaps had more than ONE TOOTH.
The food at this hillbilly feast consisted of hot dogs, beans, rice, hash, and pickles. To drink? Why, sweet tea of course! None of us like sweet tea. Or pickles. And WHAT is hash? Last year there was a rumor going around that it contained opossum. I didn't taste it. It looks like something my kids do in their diapers so I passed. Thank goodness for hot dogs or we'd have starved.
After the picnic we walked back to my friend's house for swimming. They have a beautiful pool and we had some Jell-O flag cake that I made. We all went swimming and had a great time!
The girls were dressed in their red, white & blue.