We returned from our beach trip this weekend and I have to say that this is the longest I have ever gone without checking email or getting on the computer. It felt so... good? Strange? It was a much-needed break from reality.
Jason stayed here and the kids and I drove to Myrtle Beach, SC for a week with my mom, grandmother, and aunt. Aside from an altercation between my family and my uncle the second day we were there (which resulted in him leaving with their 2 kids thankfully) the trip was great. My aunt and uncle are having some marital problems and the entire family is very, very stressed. It's absolutely terrible. I could tell you about what's going on but if my family found out they'd be upset. It's just crazy though, because my poor aunt is really in a horrible situation.
The kids and I spent the week on the shore, digging in the sand. The choo choo wagon was great and I took them out in it when we were going down on the beach. The kids all loved the ocean and L showed no fear! She bravely took off down the beach by herself at every chance she got. S, being the more cautious type, stayed near me or Grandma at all times.
We played miniature golf (yes, the kids too!) and went out to dinner. We went shopping and hit the outlet mall. We had pictures taken with a baby tiger and flew kites barefoot on the beach. We floated in the lazy river and swam in the pool. It was fantastic.
It was a reality check to my family though. They never see how my day typically goes or how I manage to take 4 kids 4 and under out to the store. They were amazed (and exhausted) when they saw how much work it was to just keep an eye on everyone. The condo was not child-proofed so that made things even more exciting!
I honestly did not want to come home because I knew reality was waiting here. Reality consisting of bills to pay, mail to sort, clothes to wash, unpacking (you should have seen our full van!) and catching up on various things. It is a little overwhelming to think about it all.
I've got a client due any day now. There's a twins consignment sale coming up and a prenatal for another client. My cousin's wedding is in October and I may drive home to VA with the kids for that-only since my dad is going though. Jason starts working nights in a couple of weeks and he started a crazy schedule while I was gone. He's working 6 days on, 3 days off now. No more weekends off anymore. That means I'm taking all the kids to church by myself each week.
I've been toying with the idea of taking a break from my doula work. My friend (a midwife) asked if I would be interested in learning from her so that I can assist her at births and learn to do clinical tasks that I don't do as a doula now. I told her I might take a break but she's trying to talk me out of it. I'm so torn... I want to spend every moment I have with my family because my children are growing up so quickly. But I love childbirth and I am so passionate about it. Can I really walk way from it for any period of time? I feel so fortunate to have the chance to be attending births but with Jason's schedule changes I have to wonder if this isn't a sign to step back and spend this time with my family. At the same time I know we will add to our family again soon and that will allow me to take a break. Maybe I should wait for that?
Other happenings right now include installing hardwood floors in our living room, dining room, and kitchen. Yesterday I pressure-washed the back patio. Jason laid brick around the edge while I was gone last week. It looks beautiful! I also have sewing to catch up on and I finished another hat and started knitting a matching one. My head is swimming.
I was also supposed to reschedule my ear & throat surgery for next month but now my dad will not be coming. I can't be out of commission without someone here to help so it looks like I'm postponing indefinitely. I'm supposed to have a tube put in my left ear, reconstruction of my right eardrum, and my tonsils & adenoids removed. All at once. Thank goodness for breastfeeding since my kids have never had my ear & throat problems! (knock on wood!)
Speaking of breastfeeding, did you hear about what happened at Applebee's? That's another post.
Here are some pictures from our trip:

Matthew talked me into letting him jump on the "big rubber bands" again. He did this at Sea World last year and loved it!

Forgive the number of pictures but it's easier to post a bunch here than to email them!