These aren't the best pictures... but can you tell that we look alike? My brother and I are always asked if we are twins. I'm 4 years older but he thinks he looks older than me.

I love this kid.

My absolute favorite color!

S checking out the flowers. We bought some gorgeous purple mums for the front porch.

The kids picked out pumpkins at our church's pumpkin patch.

J posed for me.

As did L.
M and S would not sit still.

They had this little system going... L would pick up a pumpkin out of the pile and S would walk over and grab it. Then S piled it into our wagon. We had about 15 pumpkins in there and of course I had to put them back. It was cute to watch though. They know the value of teamwork!

S carrying a pumpkin to the wagon.

L helping me put the pumpkins back.

L picking up pumkins again. Didn't we just put those back?