My Lilo & Stitch met the real Lilo & Stitch! L & S loved all of the characters and wanted to hug and kiss each one that we saw.

(That's my nephew and BIL with us)
Minnie took a liking to J. She even grabbed his hand and walked away with him like she was trying to take him home with her! It was so cute! She just thought he was sweet. She's right. He is such a sweetie!
One of my favorite characters from childhood-Pluto!
The star himself, Mickey Mouse! (That's my SIL with us)
Some brotherly love (where that came from, I have no idea) in front of a race car at Sea World.
One of Shamu's trainers talked with us. The best part of our trip was this Dinner with Shamu. They gave us VIP passes and we sat at the edge of the water, just a few feet from Shamu's pool. Shamu swam around and we ate and drank and talked. It was all you can eat and all you can drink (beer included) so Jason, my BIL and SIL had a great time! I was not feeling too sick that day so I ate a few plates of food. This was the highlight of Matthew's trip since he LOVES Shamu. When we go back next year (we go to Sea World every year) we will definitely do this again! It was awesome!
Shamu and part of M's head... that's how close we were! When Shamu came close to our side he was literally just a few feet away.
M playing at our table. He's wearing a new sweatshirt that both boys got after they were SOAKED by Shamu. (See below!)
One of the trainers came to talk to the boys. They insisted on sitting that close and wanted to get wet despite the cold temperatures that day.
And there it is... the wall of water that crashed onto the boys. Shamu sprayed them with his tail and they just loved it. J was a little shocked because he was drenched but it was funny!
The boys touched stingrays and fed dolphins.
We did a behind the scenes tour and the kids all got to touch a penguin-even the girls. They loved it! J is the penguin lover so this picture is really special to him.

All in all, we had a great time! Matthew rode all of the big roller coasters (Space Mountain, Expedition Everest, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, etc.) I sat out on most of course. We ate a lot and the kids had a blast. It was exhausting but well worth it! Thankfully I was not too sick for the beginning of our trip so I enjoyed myself too. (Wish I felt better now though!)
(My spellcheck is not working on blogger so pardon any spelling errors)
(My spellcheck is not working on blogger so pardon any spelling errors)