After reading through all of the great comments I'm feeling ready to tackle the week ahead of me. I have new ideas and a new perspective. I hope it works out for us-despite the fact that 3 of the 4 kids are sick with coughs. J was wheezing all night.
Last Sunday I attended one of the last births I'll be at until after my own birth. It was a hospital birth but mom labored at home until she was 9cm. Baby boy was born with the thickest meconium the doctor had ever seen-more than I had ever seen too! But he's healthy and perfect and just totally perfect.
Looking at a tiny newborn reminds me of the lives growing inside me and the fact that all of my children started out so little and vulnerable. I need to remind myself of that when they are all killing each other or destroying the house!

I was having a particularly stressful day when God sent me a little reminder in my daily devotional book. "The bigger the trial, the bigger the blessing." Those words could not be more true. It's become my mantra!
Then I came across this verse:
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48
I have been so blessed to have these children. The challenges that come with them are my responsibility. God trusted me enough to give them to me because He knows I will love them and take care of them. I just need to remind myself of that on the days when I want to run and hide from the kids. Because I really don't think that is what He has in mind.

So I'm starting off the week with sick kiddos but am looking forward to a short visit from my mom and grandmother. They are coming tomorrow afternoon and leaving Wednesday morning. This is assuming that they still want to be around us with our colds!
The big ultrasound is Tuesday. I'm a little concerned from all of the contractions I've been having lately. I can't remember when they started with the girls but I didn't think it was this early. Hopefully all is well!

Off to go chant my mantra while cleaning the kitchen....