7 years and (almost) 6 kids later, I am still so much in love. Neither of us ever could have pictured our lives today when we first dated and got married. It's been such a blessing!
I had maternity pictures taken yesterday by my awesome and very talented friend. In all of my pregnancies I have never had professional pictures done so this was a real treat! Maybe she'll let me share some proofs when she gets them done. I even talked Jason into getting into a few of them!
Last night Jason got a much-needed (and well-deserved) break and went to play poker. He actually played with my friend's husband and their neighbor. I'm still surprised he went because he is very shy and he doesn't know them very well. He had a great time though and I fear he may want to do it again sometime. Meanwhile, us girls had a relaxing night watching a movie while all of the kids slept.

I don't have any of our wedding pictures handy (we're packing already!) but here's a picture of us 5 years ago when we were still "newlyweds." Three months later I was pregnant with Joshua and the rest is history.