Joshua was so excited! We had his best friends over and he was just all smiles.

Next we opened presents. Matthew had to be right there next to J in case he needed "help."

Sarah took a liking to the giant penguin. The giant penguin who slept in MY bed last night with Joshua.

Whoa! How did THAT get in here? OK, so here's a random belly picture. 29 weeks!
And a little update on the babies... Baby A is weighing about 3 lbs, 3 oz. Baby B weighs about 3 lbs, 1 oz. Fluid and everything looks great! Amazingly, the doc did not give me a hard time about refusing tests and monitoring. I was worried over nothing. Aside from giving me a hard time at my last appointment, he seems to be fine with my informed refusal. I'll go back in 2 weeks. I am thinking he knows that I am planning another homebirth. I could be wrong though.