I was going to title this post "100 Reasons I Hate Living in the South" but I don't want to get hate mail. Instead, I will just say that I can't WAIT to move! I am definitely not cut out for living down here. The heat, the humidity... the BUGS! I found a scorpion in my bedroom this morning. I almost stepped on it barefoot. That would have been great, right?
Instead of being negative, I'm going to focus on the positive. The positive side of finding the scorpion? My dad is here so I just called him in and he took care of it for me. I love my dad!
The kids have dubbed my dad "Granddad with No Hair" because, ever since I was in high school, my dad shaves his head bald. The boys are having a blast with their granddad because he takes them down to the lake behind our house at least once a day, usually twice. They burn off so much energy! It's a huge help to me.
My goal while my dad is here has been to cook my freezer meals. So far I have 16 meals in the freezer and another 18 that I'm going to finish in the next 2-3 days. I'm considering this part of my nesting since I have this overwhelming urge to fill the freezer and be ready to enjoy my babymoon. I am so proud of myself! All this cooking and still no working dishwasher...
I finished dying diapers last week, including a set of prefolds for a friend. I've got stacks of diapers sitting in my dining room and plans to sort through the newborn diapers in the next few days. I have been procrastinating with the baby preparations, just as I did with the girls. I'm just afraid to get too excited just yet, until I'm holding them in my arms.

Today I hit 35 weeks. My weight gain is up 70 lbs now and I finally hit 200 lbs. Because of the babies' positions I think I look smaller than I did with the girls. I'll have to compare pictures next week.

The boys are starting to get back into the homeschooling routine although having my dad here has thrown us off a bit. Next week we'll really get down to business. M is in first grade this year and J is in kindergarten.

As a result of the haircutting fiasco from last week, I finally decided to cut the girls' hair. I trimmed Sarah's stray strands and cut several inches of of Leila's so that she no longer has that layered look. Her hair was down to the middle of her back but now it's up at her shoulders. I think it looks cute even though I'm sad to cut it. (It's not crooked but L's head was turned at an angle in the last picture here.)



Today my waterlily bloomed in our koi pond. It is the most beautiful sight! It's huge bud was closed when we woke up but then opened into this gorgeous flower. It closed up again this evening. It reminds me of my grandmother (who gave me the waterlily) and all of her koi ponds. She is my inspiration when I want to create things.