Let me tell you a little story. Remember the broken window? (The boys spent the better part of the weekend in their rooms because of it.) On Tuesday the glass repair shop was supposed to fix it. I waited all day before getting a call saying that they were unable to get the part in time and that the earliest they could install the new window would be Thursday.
Fast forward to this morning. It was overcast today. It has not rained the entire time the window has been broken and Jason is quite handy with the duct tape so we had the window covered well. Ten minutes before the repair man showed up, God opened up the heavens and it poured. And I mean poured. As in thunder and lightning and the whole nine yards.
The repair guy came to my door and I asked him if he could still replace the window in the rain. I told him that there are 2 carseats next to the window and asked if I needed to remove them. He told me he'd do it and that the rain is not a problem.
Meanwhile I stood at the window and watched as he carried the new piece of glass over to the van. He ripped the plastic off of the window and I could see that he had not removed the carseats and had instead climbed over them. He was wet and reeking of smoke so I was not amused at this point. As he held the window up to the opening I could see that it was several inches too short. Great.
He came back to the door and told me that he had the wrong part and would have the shop call me to let me know when they could reschedule. He then proceeded to cover the opening where the window should be with 2 towels. The rain continued to pour in on the babies' new Radian 65 carseats. He told me he couldn't cover it any better because of the rain.
After the guy left I called to schedule an appointment for the babies to see the pediatrician so we could get a referral to an ENT. I have tried for several weeks to reach one of the 2 IBCLCs in my area and 1 does not return calls and the other is much too busy. I am pretty sure that the babies' nursing troubles are caused by the tongue tie. In fact, I suspect they may have the same posterior tongue tie that Joshua had surgery for last December.
I finally reached an appointment representative and he informs me that the babies don't have insurance right now. Apparently we never enrolled them and their 60 days was up a few weeks ago. (Have I mentioned I LOVE Tricare?) No appointment. Jason will have to go to the Tricare Service Center tomorrow morning to make sure they are enrolld properly.
I get off the phone and can feel my eyes stinging as I fight back the tears. I just can't seem to get a break! For those who don't know, I am not a crier. Not at all. I cry at births- but that's it. I guess the postpartum hormones (or could it be my period?) got the best of me. I almost lost it and started sobbing right there in the kitchen with the Christmas carols playing on the radio as the kids played with Legos. But I pulled it together and just called my mom instead. It felt better to vent to her and then I felt ok.
Jason got home, and I was telling him about all of the things that are going wrong, when the phone rang. It was someone from my church. She says "I am not sure how to say this so I'm just going to say it. I saw you at church on Sunday with the missing window in your van. Is this something that our Mechanics Ministry could help you with?" (Our church has a ministry repairing cars for families in need.) I told her the whole story and said that I'd already paid for the new window. She asked me what shop we'd used and I told her. She asked me if there was anything else I need help with and we chatted for a few minutes.
After we hung up I noticed a van in front of our house. The repair guy was back with another window. Of course it turns out that this window was also not the correct one. Apparently there are just too many windows on our monster-sized van and it's confusing. The guy started to climb back into his van and my phone rang again.
The manager of the glass repair shop called to say that he had personally ordered the correct window. It will be in tomorrow and will be installed tomorrow afternoon. And he's 99.99% sure it will fit. And he's sorry about the hassle. And he won't give me details but he received a call and my payment for the window has been reversed. It's been paid for.
I don't need details. I know who did it. I know that the sweet lady from my church called the shop.
And then I remember our conversation. She had told me that she had been meaning to call me all week to ask about the window. Funny that she should call today. Because if she'd called Monday or Tuesday or even yesterday, it would have been a blessing. But today it was an answered prayer. When I was ready to toss up my hands and ask "What next?" God reminded me that He has it all under control. (Which is great because I sure don't!) He will always provide, even for the little things like a broken window. And today I felt like giving up because things have not been easy lately.
Today that broken window was my answered prayer.