And now we wait.
Next week will be a busy distraction with my birthday, pre-op appointments, New Year's Eve and the babies' surgeries on Friday.
And then the next week Jason will leave. I'll get a taste of what it's like to do the single parenting thing. It will be 10 long months. I can't stop thinking about it now. Before yesterday the anticipation of Christmas was enough to take my mind off of what was coming. Now it's a little too real.
The good news? Our family was chosen by an organization that provides gifts and assistance to military families. Because of their generosity we had a wonderful Christmas and 2009 looks so promising. I may be able to afford to hire a Mommy's Helper while Jason is away! I will tell you more about that another day.
The bad news? Because Jason's unit is deploying just a few short months after he reports to WA, the kids and I are going to wait to move there with him. He will be in WA until 2012 but if he deploys with his unit he won't actually be in WA until 2011. What was starting out as a 10-month separation is looking more and more like a 2 year separation. So I'm packing up the kids and heading to VA. I'll tell you more about that another day too.
For now, I just want to wish you all a Happy New Year! Go cozy up with your kids and read them a book. Enjoy every minute you have together!