In case you haven't heard, the government is effectively shutting down many small business with the new Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act. This Act places strict requirements on toy makers and anyone who makes or sells children's toys, clothing, and other items. It sounds good in theory, but it will actually force many companies out of business when they are unable to comply with the new standards.
I am telling you this not as a small business owner (who happens to make and sell some of these items) but as a concerned mother. I purchase a lot of handmade items and wooden toys. I love to support WAHMs. (That's Work At Home Moms for those who don't know!) I love our European toys that have met much stricter safety requirements than the toys sold by American manufacturers. I despise Walmart and cheap crap that is made in China.
If you want to continue to be able to buy handmade toys and clothing, please check out the website that has been created. You can find information about contacting your Congressman and other ways that you can help. There is also an article here that discusses the requirements of this new law.
Please help save the handmade toys.
Please help save the handmade toys.