Life is definitely taking a toll on me. Although I am quite accustomed to the chronic sleep deprivation, other things are suffering. Mostly my boobies. I am nursing another plugged duct right now. This is the third one in less than 2 weeks. It's painful, I'm tired, and I'm just ready for things to settle down.
I desperately want to savor each and every moment of my children's lives. But for right now that means taking lots of pictures and writing about our daily life. I can't even remember what day it is sometimes. I want to remember it all but it's just happening too fast!

I'm so blessed that I get to experience both stages at the same time! Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming. Or maybe just sleeping at the keyboard again.
P.S.- The girls do like to sleep together lately although they have separate beds just inches apart. The babies always sleep together (head to head) but they turn a lot and crawl around in their sleep. That's why they were head to feet with each other in the pictures in my last post.
(ETA: The picture of the babies in carseats is actually Nathan and Ryan. The girls and the babies look alike but not that alike!)