Right now we are in Virginia (again!) visiting family. Jason has been really looking forward to this trip home so we are making the best of it!

On the morning that we drove to Fort Benning I woke up at 5:30am. I put the dog bed in the van and carried out my purse and our snacks. Everything else was already loaded up and ready to go. Then I quietly carried each child out, one by one. Matthew was the only one that actually walked out to the van. I buckled everyone into their carseats and locked up the house. The kids asked me a few questions but within 20 minutes they were all fast asleep.

Finally Jason's car appeared. Much screaming ensued.

I think the next separation will be easier now that they know what to expect. They know that Daddy is going to come home. They know that he does still love them. They know that there will be lots of eager anticipation and a big, wonderful reunion. We'll count this as practice for the big deployment next year. We can do it! And I think we'll be just fine.