It's the metaphor that best describes my life right now. Climbing mountains.
Right now, I'm at the top of the mountain. Life is good. I have Jason here with me and we are enjoying life in Arizona. I have a very dear friend who lives in the same city and we are having so much fun! I am taking this time to recharge my batteries for the long haul ahead. Although it seems far away right now, Jason will be headed to Ft. Lewis, WA in less than 4 months. And after he gets there, he heads to Iraq. From the top of this mountain it all looks so far away. It feels like we've come so far already. In reality, I think the hardest part may be yet to come.

It's tough to retain perspective when you're on top of the mountain. A little bit of distance makes those bumps in the road seem so small now. Likewise, looking back on the last 7 months I feel like it was not so hard. Just don't remind me about the sleepless nights, the stressful shopping trips, the mystery illness that plagued us for weeks, or the melted crayons in my dryer. Don't mention the times I complained that I couldn't do it anymore or that I didn't want to be alone. Because from way up here on the top of this mountain, I am feeling pretty good and this steep climb wasn't so bad after all, was it?

I'm just going to relax for a bit and enjoy the view. Give me a little while to take it all in...

It won't be long before I'm in the valley again, feeling low. There will be even bigger mountains ahead of me and I'll just have to climb them, one day at a time. As long as I can remember how good it feels to be on top, I think I'll be ok.
And boy, does it feel good up here! I love crawling into bed at night next to my husband and watching my children run to the door each night when Daddy comes home from work. We get to spend the weekends exploring the desert and watching movies together. We are on top of the world!

This is where we are living now! Isn't it beautiful?

We took these pictures near the top of one of the mountains near our house. The tallest peak is over 9,000 feet. It really is breathtaking.
What better way to end a day in the southwest than with some quesadillas and a cool drink?

My kids love it here! They fit right in with desert life. Sarah says she is a "girl cow", aka cowgirl. Joshua says he is going to be in a gunfight when he grows up. (Maybe that reenactment in the O.K. Corral wasn't such a good idea after all?) So far my kids have knocked over a cactus in our yard (twice) and scared away a few hummingbirds. They've terrorized the towns of Tombstone, Tucson, and Bisbee.
And we have already been stopped by Border Patrol. Yes, life is