I do laundry all day, every day. It consumes me, day and night. Who would have thought that little kids could create so many piles of dirty laundry?

Now I need some help...

1) A question that has plagued me for 2 months now: How do you get crayon out of clothing? If a handful of crayons somehow made it into your dryer and managed to color an entire (heaping) load of clothes, what would you do? For the record, I have tried WD-40, Goo Gone, Dawn, Oxi-clean, Shout, Bac-Out, and just about anything else I found in the laundry room cabinet. Ideas?
2) If you could have a brand new washer and dryer, what would you choose and why? Top loader or front loader? I have to get a new washer and dryer when I get to Virginia since our set stayed in the house in Georgia. I have had my eye on the Whirlpool Cabrio for a long, long time. Washing 3 loads of laundry at once? That's what I'm talking about! I have always resisted the front loaders since I've heard they aren't as good for washing cloth diapers (less water to soak/rinse) and I have always loved my top loaders. What do you all think? Does anyone have a washer that they absolutely love?
3) Do you have any other fantastic tips for me? Secrets to laundry success? Words of wisdom for wonderful washing? Please tell me!

Now I must go do another load of laundry...