Usually this will mean that they have filled the toilet with toilet paper and flooded your bathroom. Or they have eaten a tube of chapstick. Or they may have torn open a box of cereal and hidden under a table to eat it. But this time it was worse.
Yesterday I had the bright idea to let the kids paint these wooden birdhouses that we had purchased a few weeks ago. My friend and her 2 children were at my house too. Things went remarkably well while we were painting. After we were finished I made the terrible mistake of leaving the paint bottles up on the kitchen counter. Fast forward to dinner time last night. I'm nursing the babies and Jason starts yelling. The girls had poured 6 (nearly full) bottles of acrylic paint into a plastic show box. They were covered in paint. Sarah had both hands completely coated in it! The worst part was when I saw that they had painted on the dining room chairs. We're living in a furnished rental and have managed to go 2 months without any major incidents. Now it's 4 days before we leave and the girls have ruined furniture.
I should have known. It was way too quiet. Lesson learned (again.)

I have to admit that I'm a bit sad about next week. Nathan and Ryan will turn one and I'm just in denial. Aren't they still newborns? What???? How did this happen? Somebody, please, make them stop!