I am so behind with my email inbox that I have had to do some mass deleting to avoid reaching my limit. Isn't that sad? And I feel so lost not knowing what has been going on in Blogland while I was away. I can't wait to get caught up!
For those who got strange messages from me on Facebook, I apologize. No, I'm not in the UK. And I'm not soliciting money via instant messages on Facebook. My account was hacked. Because I don't have enough drama in my life already...
We are in the new house and we have electricity, water, and INTERNET! I had taken up a nasty Starbucks habit while suffering through my internet withdrawal. I have so much to write about that I don't even know where to begin. I have thousands (literally) of photos to sort through. I have so much to say!
For now I have to go make sure the sneaky six are still behaving upstairs. I will be back tonight to try and figure out where I even begin to explain this mess that has become my life...