Last night I had my first dream about it. I dreamt that Jason's unit was attacked. In reality, I think the chances of that happening are very slim because he swears he's going to be in some windowless building somewhere doing his secret squirrel stuff. Still, I wonder. I pray. And I hope that the time flies and he's back home with us soon where he belongs.
Today is the beginning of a new journey. Jason is leaving Arizona today and driving to southern California. Tomorrow morning he'll drive up to Monterey, CA and spend the night where we used to live. Then on Thursday he'll arrive in Washington state-the place we will soon be living. Friday he flies from Tacoma to DC and we'll be reunited once again. It's only 3 days away!
I know the kids all have fond memories of our summer too. We spent weekends with Daddy exploring the southwest. The kids fed these giraffes at the zoo in Tucson and they still talk about it. Hopefully they will think about that while he's gone. He's so worried they'll forget him. I'm not sure that's even possible.
Jason arrives on Friday and we leave for Georgia on Sunday. Then we head down to Disney World at the end of next week. What was I thinking? Taking 6 kids to Disney by ourselves? Are we insane???? I need my head checked for sure.
Yesterday I went and looked at a (very used) quad stroller that seats 2 in the front and 2 in the back. It actually collapses and folds and has 2 big storage baskets underneath. I think I'm going to get it just to use at Disney so we don't have to bring "the Beast." We will also be bringing the twin stroller for Matthew and Joshua since Joshua gets especially tired when walking all day. For those of you in similar situations, what have you done? I'm nervous about the logistics of carting 6 little kids around a theme park. Yeah, we are definitely crazy.