Today I can only think about one thing: Jason's coming!!!! We're picking him up (late) tonight.
I'm in the process of responding to all of the recent comments and questions. One suggestion I read was that I should include a time line of all of our moves because I'm sure that if I'm confused, you guys must be really wondering. So here is a brief summary of our year...
January- Jason left for officer training (Ft. Benning) with the Army after spending the last 5 years as a Persian-Farsi linguist. The kids and I stayed behind in Augusta, GA.
April- Jason graduated and came home for a brief visit.
May- Jason left for Ft. Sill, OK to do more training. The kids and I drove up to VA and looked at houses.
June- The kids and I moved out of our house in Georgia and it's being rented by another military family. We drove back and forth between GA and VA, finally ending up in Virginia at my sister-in-law's house for a few days.
July- Jason flew to VA and we all drove to Texas together. Jason picked up his car and we drove separately to Arizona. We spent the summer together in a furnished townhouse while he attended yet more training at Ft. Huachuca.
September- The kids and I left Jason in AZ and headed back to VA, stopping in Colorado to visit my dad. Then we moved into our new house in Virginia!
October- Jason just graduated from his training course and drove from Arizona to California, stopping in Monterey, where we used to live. Yesterday he drove from Monterey to Tacoma, Washington. This afternoon he'll board a plane and fly to DC where I'll pick him up. Then on Sunday we'll drive together back to Augusta, GA. We'll spend a week there before driving down to Orlando to visit Disney World.
November- We return home during the first week of November. Jason spends 4 days with us before he flies back to WA where he'll sign in at his new unit. He's stationed there now but he's deploying to Iraq. As a matter of fact, his unit is already there right now. I'll stay here in VA with the kids until Jason comes home next fall. Then we'll drive out to visit him and look for a house. Ultimately, the kids and I will move out there for a year or two until Jason can (hopefully) be stationed closer to "home." Home for us is Northern VA, where we were both born (at the same hospital) and raised.
If you think that's a lot of moving, consider this: We moved 4 times in less than 2 years when Jason first joined the Army. We had moved from Virginia to Maryland when I was pregnant with Matthew. When Matthew was almost a year old Jason left for Basic Training and I was pregnant with Joshua. I moved to California by myself, where I joined Jason as he attended school there. We spent all of 2004 in California. We spent almost all of 2005 in Texas before settling in Georgia that fall. Four babies later, we've moved again. The Army life is a wild ride. So is having twins. Never a dull moment!
Are you confused even more or does any of that make sense? To sum it up: We go where God sends us and make the best of whatever gets thrown at us!

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