Is Disney World supposed to be the most magical place on earth? Well, it is if you're three years old! (Or 5 years old, or 6 years old... or even one year old!)

My little chipmunk cheeked boys loved meeting the big chipmunks. Chip and Dale loved them right back too.

All of the Magic Kingdom was decorated in true Disney style. There were Mickey-shaped pumpkins everywhere. You wouldn't think such little details would have such a big impact, but Matthew is still talking about it.

Leila and Sarah showed off their dance skills when we met Tinkerbell. Heck, they danced for just about every character they met. They love to dance. (They definitely didn't learn that from

Did I mention that Jason hit on Tinkerbell? He did. It was the strangest conversation and it went something like this:
Tink: Wow! Two sets of twins? I'm seeing double double! That's a neat skill! Can you make two of me?
Me: Ummm, I don't know how to do it. You'd have to ask my husband.
Jason: Sure! I can make you have twins.
I really don't think that's what Tink meant... but oh well! Jason offered to knock up a Disney fairy!

I was just amazed at how truly magical it was for the girls to meet the Disney princesses. They were in awe and it was wonderful to watch. I have never seen them so happy before.

My little princesses met the "real" princess, Cinderella. This is so weird for me because I was (am?) a total tomboy. I was never into princesses and fairies and girly things. I liked playing outside in the dirt and making things out of sticks. These two girls came out of my body but I swear they are nothing like me! They're so sugary sweet that it hurts.

I think Sarah was sneezing in this picture but I had to keep it anyway. The wicked stepsisters actually looked
just like the cartoon characters. It was eerie! And they sang off key and fought with each other too. My girls loved it. They call them the "mean girls."

Our whole gang stopped to watch one of the shows in front of Cinderella's castle and I had to capture the moment. Jason was leaning in close to whisper to Sarah about Snow White. That's her favorite princess. Leila's favorite is Ariel. And I obviously know entirely too much about Disney princesses. Scary.

The kids loved Pinnochio but his skinny girl legs in the pale tights just freaked me out. It brought back flashbacks from when I used to be a Power Ranger. Have I ever mentioned that I used to be a Power Ranger? Well, I did. It was in high school. And I drove a truck through a pharmacy store window when I was eight. I think I need to write a post full of random facts about me. Weird stuff just seems to happen to me. Anyway...

Disney was fun! And I'm still digging through the thousands of other pictures from our trip. In the meantime I have to go figure out how to find hardwood flooring to match the existing floors in our house in Georgia. Apparently the tenants called our property manager to tell her that the military movers destroyed part of the hardwood floors and they need to be replaced. I am so glad that I'm over 500 miles away. I think if I saw the damage I just might lose my mind. I am so not cut out to be a landlord. I have enough stress about the damage my own kids are probably doing in this house at this very moment!