Some things have changed, but he's still the same. My sweet kid. Yesterday his writing assignment was to list 3 things for which he is thankful. His list? Cars, Thanksgiving dinner, and family... in that order.
This week is going to be different without Jason around. Every year since we moved away from family 6 years ago, we've traveled from wherever we were living to come to Virginia and be with family. This year, we're all here but Jason is strangely absent. Even worse, he's going to be alone for Thanksgiving. He may go to the chow hall for dinner, but he won't be with friends or family and he said he'll probably spend the day doing nothing. He doesn't even have internet access since he's living in Army quarters and it's a temporary place. We'll just have to talk on the phone so he doesn't get too lonely!
My dad is here visiting from Denver and will be stopping by our house today. The kids are so excited to see Granddad With No Hair. I'm excited to have a conversation that doesn't start with "Mommy, can I have..."
Is it really Thanksgiving already? That means Christmas is coming up! For the first time in as long as I can remember, I'm not done with my shopping yet. It's going to be a much smaller-scale Christmas in our house this year. So, what are you doing to save money this year? Do you have a budget per person for gifts? Are there any great deals to be had? Tell me what you know!