Because I'm a backwards girl, I'm going to post my pictures backwards too. So here we have the pictures from our final days in Florida. You'll see the beginning of our trip
later. Just to keep things interesting.
We spent 5 days at Disney World, a day at Sea World, and then 4 days at Universal Studios. It truly was the trip of a lifetime for us. We took advantage of the free tickets for military families and made the best of it. We really didn't have the extra money to spend, but we justified the vacation expenses because this was our last family vacation for a long time. And it was a sort of going away trip for Jason too. Although we tried our best not to think about that...

Jason was not too pleased that I forced him to pose in front of the Beetle Bailey store. The camo tent matched our camo diaper bag and I just noticed that right now. I swear this was the only time we thought about the Army. (Ok,

Ignore the fact that this is a completely awful picture of me, and just read the caption. I was drenched on a water ride so I look like a wet rat. And the caption is so true that it's scary.

My boys are such good actors. Must be all the drama in our house!

Leila and Sarah were princesses every single day. They loved every moment of it!

Our nephew added to the excitement! We were blessed to have Jason's sister, brother-in-law, and their son come to visit for 3 days. They really made the trip so much more special and I'm so glad that they were there!

Who could resist a picture of my Things with the "real" Thing 1 and Thing 2? After watching The Cat in the Hat recently, I can promise you that my house is much like the house in the movie. But instead of Thing 1 & Thing 2 tearing up the place, I have 6 little Things. And I don't have that special contraption to help clean up after them either. Anyone know where I can find one?

For some reason all of the characters loved Joshua! He is just a sweet, loveable kid. Matthew was too "cool" to have his picture taken with the characters. I guess that comes from turning 7, right?

Like I said, my nephew added to the excitement of our trip. Apparently the 80s are back in style. Or something.