I'm trying to get motivated to fix things up around here this weekend. It's been tough so far! It's hard to want to get projects done when you're swamped by everyday things like laundry, dishes, and diapers! But I'm more relaxed when things are in order, so I need to get working for my own sanity.
Here are the pictures of the main level of our home. (Why did I take pictures at night? Silly me!)

I painted the kitchen a few weeks ago while perched atop the counters with children underfoot. It was quite an accomplishment to paint a room without the kids spilling a can of paint (that happened in Georgia) or me falling and breaking something.

Those bottles on top of the cabinets are my antique milk bottles. I have a collection of them and for some reason I always stick them up there on top of the cabinets. Not sure why, but that's what I do.

My kitchen has been child-proofed but it's still lacking curtains and I really don't like the cabinet color but that won't be changing anytime soon. Otherwise, this is the room I use the most and it's pretty functional the way it is right now!

Next to the kitchen is our breakfast nook. I painted it when Jason was home but I did a crappy job because I was distracted. I'll go back and touch it up someday. We desperately need curtains in here because I'm sure the neighbors are tired of seeing our feeding frenzy every time we sit down to eat. I took away the extra chair because it reminded me too much that Jason was missing from our table.

Here's the view looking from the kitchen into the family room. There's Flat Daddy over the fireplace. (If you want to get your own Flat Daddy, go
here and you can have one made. It's been the most wonderful thing to have the kids be able to kiss Daddy goodnight!)

Another view of the family room. I guess I must have made the kids put their toys in the playroom that night because it looks too clean in there!

And I did finally take the Christmas stockings down... this morning.

Here's the foyer and part of the living room. Only a corner of the foyer is painted because it's a 2-story foyer and I don't have a ladder tall enough to reach the top of the walls. That's on my list.

The powder room needs a coat of paint and some curtains. I did apply some privacy tinting to the window so that the neighbors couldn't see into the bathroom. I considered that a good accomplishment.

This is the view from the front door. To the left is the powder room and to the right is the living room. Straight back is the kitchen and that gate is next to the laundry room and basement doors.

Looking out into the foyer from the kitchen, you see the front door. I had to hand the wreath inside this year because we don't have a covered porch anymore and my wreath was being destroyed by the elements.

This is the view from the living room looking toward the front door. And there's my trusty vacuum. It's always out somewhere because I use it ten times a day. I'd marry it if I could... I love it that much.

Our Christmas tree sat in the bay window. This room really needs some light! And some paint. And maybe furniture too, someday.

This room looks naked now without our Christmas tree. I miss it.

Here's where we store our shoes. The kids drop their shoes in the baskets in the living room. I wanted to put this in the foyer but it was too big. I need to find a bench to go in the foyer for that purpose. For now, this keeps my purse and our shoes in close reach and out of sight.

Finally, this is the dining room. Again, there's a half-finished project. I installed one set of blinds but the other set was missing the bolts to install it. I got them for $4 each at Target on clearance! My aunt made the curtains and Jason hung the chandelier. The Homer Simpson lights are Jason's Christmas tradition. They were a gift from his dad and they go up every year, much to my chagrin. Our dining room table was a $40 steal from the church flea market. The chairs came from craigslist ($30!) and I just need to find 4 more chairs to complete the set. I love bargain hunting. I have bought the paint for this room already ($5 from the "oops" rack at Home Depot) but need to find time to paint it.
So that's the main level of our house. We have so much space now! We were so blessed to find this house when we did since we could have never afforded to move here if the economy wasn't in shambles.