Do I sound like I'm smiling? Well, I was. And I am. But then I'm not.
I feel like I'm on some sick, crazy amusement park ride. And I might hurl.
I'm up, and I'm feeling like I can accomplish anything and then moments later I'm crushed under the weight of 10 tons of stress and worry. And then I dig myself out and I'm climbing up again, just to be smacked down even lower than before. This is the part where I curl into the fetal position and frantically twirl my hair and whisper to myself.

Actually, I wasn't really sleeping before Jason boarded that plane. My kids have been very, very sick. They've had shallow, rapid breathing, high fevers, chills, diarrhea, and terrible coughs. (Thanks again, mother-in-law!) I feel like we're on the tail end of it now, which is great because Tricare informed me that I wasn't going to get preapproval for any more ER visits because I haven't started seeing a doctor here yet. I'm going to remedy that tomorrow, at least for one kid.
Last night I thought things couldn't get much more depressing for me at that moment so I decided to check my email. And of course, there in my inbox was an email from the property manager who handles our house in Georgia. The tenants just gave their notice and are moving out (6 months early!) at the end of the month. I am sure I don't need to explain the many reasons why that is just very, very bad.
On the bright side, I'm forcing myself to get projects going in this house. I still have unpacking and painting to get done and I've been here for almost 4 months now! I went around the house on New Year's Day and photographed each room in detail. Then I'm going to go back and take photos after I finish each room so I can see my progress. I thrive on crossing off to-do lists. I'm a list maker and obsessive compulsive organization freak. Or should I say I was an organization freak? I guess I still am but now it just freaks me out that I somehow manage to live like this, in this disarray that has become my life.
So before I curl up on the floor and cry, I'm going to go find that huge bag of Hershey's Kisses that I hid from the kids. Yep, things are getting ugly now.
P.S.-You can grab my button now since I actually have one. (Over there, on the left sidebar!) Oh, and these new pictures were from our Operation Love ReUnited session. More to come!
P.P.S.-Yes, it's official. I turned 30. Where is that freaking bag of Kisses????