Household6 Diva had the brilliant idea of hosting a
Blizzard Bloghop for those of us who couldn't attend
Blissdom. Considering I have 6 young children and no husband, there was no way for me to go to Blissdom, although I desperately wanted to be there! So here I sit, getting snowed in for the Blizzard Bloghop. And the irony is that I really
am getting snowed in by a big blizzard right now.
If you'd like to participate,
hop on over and introduce yourself!

For those who don't know me, I'm Heather and I'm (cough, cough) thirty. But I feel twenty. Does that count?
Six years ago my husband, Jason, joined the Army when our first child was just a baby. He actually signed his enlistment papers on March 20, 2003-the day the war in Iraq officially started. I quit my job as a retail manager and became a SAHM (stay at home mom.) Our son, Matthew, is now seven.

The Army moved us to Monterey, CA where my husband learned to speak Persian-Farsi. Both of grew up in the DC suburbs and had never lived outside of Virginia. Moving across the country was just the first of many changes for us as we learned about military life.
Our second son, Joshua, was born in California in 2004. He was over 11 lbs at birth. That's not really relevant but I just had to throw it out there. Just because. Joshua is 5 years old now.

After leaving California we lived in Texas before finally getting to our first duty station in Georgia. Somewhere along the way during our PCS move I became pregnant again.
At 22 weeks into my pregnancy we discovered that I was having twin girls. My identical daughters were
born at home, in my bedroom, in 2006. It was a life changing event for all of us. Leila & Sarah are 3 years old now.

You would think that life can't get much crazier than having 4 children ages 3 and under, right? Nursing 3 children at once must be the wildest thing ever? Well, not quite...
In February 2008
I found out I was
having twins again. Identical boys. Shock is not a strong enough word to describe that experience. And then I was nursing 4 children at once.
Nathan and Ryan
were born in September 2008. They are now the blondest, dimpliest, sweetest 17-month old boys.
Jason left in January 2009 to attend OCS and was commissioned last spring. He was gone on TDY for all of 2009, leaving me at home in Georgia to hold down the fort. I'm an Army wife, after all. Oh yeah, and I'm also a doula (or was?) and a Christian and a homeschooling mom. I'm also a mom to a child on the autism spectrum. And I am a crazy breastfeeding, cosleeping, babywearing,
cloth diapering, attachment parenting freak too.

After a brief
surprise visit home for Christmas,
Jason left for Iraq. Now I'm counting the months until we see him again and anticipating yet another cross-country move. And of course I'm taking life one day at a time since I'm taking care of 6 children by myself.

And that's why "It's Twinsanity!"