As much as I complained about the heat and humidity of the Georgia summers, it sure didn't take me long to get acclimated again. Yes, it's not exactly summer yet, but it's hot and sticky and
familiar. Perhaps part of my misery during our 4 years here was not due to the weather but due to being pregnant with twins. Twice.

The kids sure do love the endless sunny days and hours outside. I'm not sure what we'll do when we get to Washington and we can't go on our nightly walk around the neighborhood or swing at 3 different playgrounds in one day. What then?
For now, we're soaking up the sun and the beauty that is Georgia in the spring. We're finishing up the last few weeks of homeschool before the long summer. We're visiting friends, old and new, and things are falling back into place.

I was so proud that I was able to get all six children up, bathed, and dressed for church on Sunday. We made it out the door with time to spare. (How is it that I can get six kids to church on time but be late to meet a friend at Target?
Go figure.) Nathan and Ryan were delighted to go play in the nursery and when the other 4 kids went into their Sunday School classes I almost fell over. It's never that easy! Ever!
I was able to start my week with an hour of peace, enjoying the church service in a familiar place with familiar faces. Despite our poop issues, we've had 2 days without any accidents-for any of the big kids! That's enough to make me sing. So even though the babies spilled yogurt on the floor, my sink is clogged, and my laundry room is a disaster, life is good. I've seen countless friends this week, made it to a deployment support group, and held a sweet, soft newborn against my chest.

Yeah, life is pretty good.