I'm Heather and I have an amazing husband, Jason, who has spent most of our married life serving in the Army. Together we have 6 sweet children, all born in less than 6 years. Our oldest son is Matthew (7) and he's incredibly smart and also incredibly challenging. He's on the autism spectrum and he is quite a character. Joshua (5) is the peacemaker in our house and would give the shirt off his back for anyone. He's a budding artist. Leila and Sarah (3) are our identical twin daughters. They were born at home and have been little miracles from the very beginning. Leila is super sensitive and truly believes she is a princess. Sarah is a tomboy in a tutu. Nathan and Ryan (19 months) are our identical twin sons. They were a (HUGE) surprise! Seriously, who thinks they'll have 2 sets of identical twins? I was in shock. These blonde boys are terrors. They look like angels but they are into anything and everything and they work together for evil. Needless to say, I'm a busy mom. I blog a lot about poop.

I'm not your "typical" mom. I do all sorts of "strange" things. I homeschool our children. I prefer to give birth in my home too. And I breastfeed beyond what some would consider acceptable. (Yes, I nursed 4 children at once for over a year. Can you say freak?) I use cloth diapers and always have, since my oldest was a baby. We cosleep. We eat organic, locally grown food almost exclusively. So while my own family thinks I've gone off the deep end, I can just remind myself that I'm trusting my instincts, doing what I feel is best, and I've got strong convictions. (Did I mention I'm stubborn as heck?)

A random fact... I've live through a major hurricane, an earthquake, a tornado, and far too many blizzards in the last 5 years. Don't stand next to me in a lightning storm.
That's pretty much me in a nutshell... It's Twinsanity!