When it's "spring" in Georgia, it really means heat and humidity that rivals summer weather in the rest of the country. It's ok though. After the winter of blizzards we just had in Virginia, we're ready to jump right into summer!

We've spent afternoons on the slip & slide and running through sprinklers.

The kids have gone outside to play on their old swing set at
least once a day, every, single day since we've been back. Even Nathan and Ryan want in on the action!

There is something to be said for sunshine boosting your spirits!

I've had to relax a bit (ok, a
lot) when it comes to parenting six children. Leila and Sarah were three before I let them play on the swing set without me right there next to them. Call it helicopter parenting I guess. But they were so little and I was terrified they'd get hurt. Now? Nathan and Ryan are all of 20 months old (today) and they would gladly climb to the top of the play ground if I'd let them. They can hold their own out there!

It's so nice to be able to let the children
be children. They run, they play, they explore, they build, and they collect things. It's so good for them! We have snack outside and they chase the dog together. And I get to keep most of the mess outside. We all win!

Leila and Sarah decided that they wanted to go strawberry picking for their special birthday adventure. We actually did the same thing
last year. Actually, we've gone to pick strawberries at the same, family-owned farm for the last 4 years. It's always been a lot of fun! The girls put on their strawberry shorts and we hit the road.

This year we almost had a complication with our strawberry picking plans. After getting our berry baskets and heading over to the field we were told that we weren't allowed to pick. Why? I have too many children. They only allow 2 children per adult. Maybe the farm is run by the
grumpy lady from the PX? I don't know.
Fortunately, I pulled the sympathy card and mentioned that my husband is in Iraq. And I explained that we'd picked here many times over the last several years and that my children were going to be on their best behavior and knew the rules. Besides, I only had 2 children carrying baskets and picking and the little ones were all sitting in the stroller. (It was too hot anyway and they wanted shade.) The guy resisted at first but then decided to let us pick our berries anyway. So we did.

The kids were great and knew exactly what to do. Matthew, Joshua, and I picked two large baskets full of berries while the girls helped us spot the biggest, ripest berries. Everyone behaved and we were rewarded with some of the freshest, most delicious berries you could ever hope to taste. The strawberries were so sweet! (Just like my kids.)
We're embracing the balmy weather and gearing up for a long, hot summer. If the number of mosquito bites we have is any indication of the amount of fun we're having, then we are having a blast! I looked like I slept in a swamp.
P.S.- My mom is in surgery this morning, having the lump in her breast removed. They do not know yet if it is cancerous. Prayers are much appreciated!