Today, Joshua is definitely the most sensitive, compassionate, generous boy that I have ever met. He loves to please others and he loves to give. You couldn't ask for a better brother in this family of 6 siblings. Last night he shared his birthday ice cream with each of them and gave them more than he even ate himself. At six years old, that is love. Sharing your ice cream sundae? That's a big deal!

I, on the other hand, am really sick of the house not selling. It's mentally and physically exhausting to keep the house ready for showings and then do the quick clean-up and evacuate on a moment's notice. Part of me wants to light a match and laugh hysterically as the house burns to the ground. Part of me wants to try to minimize our losses and just do my best to sell it. And part of me wants to drive away and worry about it later because my husband is coming back and I just want to be with him.
I'm choosing the third option.

I know that I'll never have the answers. But it's only human nature to wonder. I want to think I'm in control of my life... but I'm not.
Why did I end up back in Georgia?
Why is the house not selling?
Why am I suffering from a random attack of dizziness?
Where are we going to live when we get to Washington?
I have no answers.

So now I'm packing up and heading to Washington, trusting that God will find a family for our house and find a house for our family.
The logistics of this impending trip have my head spinning. The prospect of driving across the country with a camper and 6 kids is daunting. But I think I can do it.

I am wondering how I'm going to drive and tow a camper my myself. How will I park it? I'm more than a bit intimidated. In fact, I was so intimidated that I left the camper at the dealership and told them I'd be back to pick it up later in the week.
Now I have to work up the courage to go get it... And I'm still nervous!

We've got less than 4 weeks until we leave Georgia (again!) and I am going to have to get really brave, really fast!

Maybe I am getting brave?

(See what I mean? Sometimes I don't think things all the way through!)
Fortunately I had already cleaned up the kids and the table and everyone was ready to leave. Joshua shared his ice cream and it was gone quite quickly. I ushered the kids out of the restaurant and into the parking lot where Nathan promptly did a full face-plant in a 4-inch puddle of rain water. He was drenched! But in the end, the girls made it to the van and used the fabulous pink potty just in time and we all made it home safe and sound.
Now, if I can handle that I am hoping I can handle a monumental road trip across the country in a camper...