I can't even begin to express how hard life has been. I have been feeling completely defeated. And I hate that feeling.

I certainly wouldn't be moving into a camper for the next 2 months and traveling the country. And I certainly wouldn't be playing Uno or staying up late eating marshmallows.

Someone I love is going through a really, really difficult time and I can't help them. That's hard. And I feel helpless. And I can't talk about it right now.

After canceling the ear and salivary gland surgery, I'm now second-guessing myself. I have another freaking infection in my gland. I have a huge, painful lump in my neck. I am so incredibly sick of this!!!!!
To top that off, my ear is infected again too. And I'm starting to really not believe the doctors who insist that this is completely unrelated. I find it really hard to believe that my luck is that bad. When the gland gets worse, my ear bothers me. When my ear bothers me more, I feel dizzier. And this is all coincidence? Whatever.

When Linny died, Matthew was inconsolable. He cried with such force that his body shook. He hid himself from everyone and muffled his sobs with his blanket. This went on for awhile before I got the other children to bed and took Matthew to my room. We curled up together in the darkness and it was silent for a long time. Then he pulled away from me and quietly cried himself to sleep.
It may not sound like a big deal, but if you knew Matthew, you'd understand. To see such an expression of sadness from a child who has never shown it before, was shocking. I was heartbroken for him. I wanted nothing more than to ease his pain and I felt helpless.
Matthew is ok now and is back to his emotionally-detached little self. We buried Linny without much fanfare and Matthew has not cried at all since the day Linny died. He's been very matter-of-fact about everything.

I'm finding it harder and harder to trust in God's plan for our family. Our house hasn't sold. We lost all of our savings when it sat empty before and now it will sit empty again. Things seem to be falling apart faster than I can put them back together again. I don't understand why this is happening.
Last week we were offered a house on base in Washington. I turned it down. They wanted us to start paying rent now, even though I can't move in until September. I politely told them that we already had 2 mortgages and I was going to be living in a camper so I wasn't able to do that right now. And now we wait again. I have no idea where we will live. I don't know if we'll find a house. The prospect of living in the camper forever is looking better and better.
My doubts and worries are just piling up... A brief fever thing caused us to rearrange our plans this week. It's been too hot to go anywhere, although we did brave a trip to the zoo last week. A good friend of mine just moved away to Florida. And next week, I'll be gone myself.
I'm unsure of myself when it comes to driving the camper. I'm worried about staying in unfamiliar places. I'm not sure that my salivary gland infection is going to hold off until I get to Washington. I'm not sure if my dizziness really is caused by something in my ear, and if it is, whether I can handle the altitude changes on our trip out west.
My head is just a jumbled mess of junk right now. I am feeling antsy... ready to get out of here and hit the road and yet terrified to actually do it.
Yep, it's official. I'm in a funk.