Although it feels like it was just yesterday that we were celebrating Joshua's sixth birthday and preparing to leave Georgia for good, it was really more than a month ago.

We traded our empty house in Georgia for a cramped camper and life on the road. And it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

There is nothing that could have prepared me for this journey. Whenever I start to feel like I have life figured out, God throws me a curve ball. Whether it's twins, twins again, a deployment, or a cross-country move, I am clearly being taught patience, humility, flexibility, and compassion. Apparently I had a lot of lessons to learn, because, well... have you
seen my life?

As the end of July grew closer, my nervousness and excitement consumed me. Once the hardest part of the actual moving was over, we hit the road, ready to face the next challenge.
For me, that next challenge was learning to live in a camper with 6 young children, a dog, and a cat. By myself. On the road.

The first part of our journey began when we pulled out of our driveway and hit the highway. Our typical 9-ish hour drive to Virginia took over 11 hours and was complicated by an overheating van and overloaded camper... not to mention the 6 kids with overactive bladders.

After countless potty stops and a few stops for me to check (and add) oil, we arrived safely in Virginia. We had eaten 3 meals on the road and had spent the first night in our camper. We had survived. Day 1 of our trip was complete.

After driving over 500 miles, I was exhausted. But I had no idea what was in store for us next...