A few weeks ago, we took a day trip down to Portland with the kids. Our mission was twofold: donuts and pumpkins. But not just any donuts or any old pumpkins...

We visited Roloff Farms, home of the Roloff family from the TLC show "Little People Big World." If you have never seen their show, you should check it out. They have a very special story and seem to be pretty good role models, as far as reality TV goes.

The kids got to sit in a giant chair and feel what it's like to be little. Of course, they
are kids so they have a pretty good idea of what it feels like already I think. Nathan and Ryan wanted to stand in the chair and were not pleased when they were forced to sit. They don't have any fear of heights, obviously.

Highlights of the trip included scaling a huge hay pyramid, riding in the wagon, jumping in a bouncy house, seeing baby lions, and eating a funnel cake. Good times.

We even had a few minutes to talk to Amy Roloff (who has twins herself.) Sarah was so sweet and innocently asked why Amy was little. Amy smiled and replied, "God just made me little." Then she explained that she is a mommy too and that one of her twins is little but her other kids are not. Sarah liked that explanation. Since then, she has referred to Amy Roloff as the "little mama." I love that Amy gave the credit to God when explaining why she is little, just as
we give the credit to God when they ask why we have two sets of twins. Some things are just better left to Him, aren't they?