We finished of 2010 with the almighty stomach bug. After ravaging our house for 3 weeks, all eight of us eventually succumbed to the nasty virus. I spent my birthday feeling mighty queasy. New Year's Day was pretty rough. But now, hopefully, it is gone for good. A fresh start!

This is what happens to snowmen in Washington. Very sad. But a fitting birthday cake for me, I think! Turning 29 (for the third time) is not too bad.

This week the Christmas decorations came down. The kids went back to school. (And by "went", I mean they went upstairs.) I finished up a little secret project that I've been working on for the last week. We're being pretty productive so far this year.

It's been very cold here in Washington. But there is no snow! We have had a brief respite from the never-ending rain though, and for that I am grateful. This place is amazingly beautiful when the sky is clear and you can see everything around you.

I am not making any New Year's resolutions this year. I am just going to keep living life one day at a time!