Nathan and Ryan are destined to stay in cribs until I have more babies. (Or not.) I look back and laugh because Matthew was sleeping in his own race car bed at 15 months old. And yet with twins, I cannot imagine it. Nathan and Ryan would be up out of bed and burning the house down if they were not contained in their crib tents. Oh, how I love crib tents.

We don't usually put toys in the kids' rooms but this house has enormous bedrooms. Each of the kids has a few small things in their room and it's really easy to keep clean. (As opposed to the play room, which often looks as though a tornado has blown through-until I start collecting toys to donate and then it gets picked up really quickly!)
Nathan and Ryan have a frog theme going on in their room. And soon I will finish sewing their quilts that I started... more than 2 years ago.

See? Sometimes the play room is clean. We have really purged a ton of toys. That helps.
These awesome decals were from Etsy and were another great Christmas gift from family. We love these froggies!
The big boys now have matching loft beds (from Ikea.) Joshua was so excited to move up to a bigger bed.
I bought some sheets that were on clearance at Company Kids and made them into panels to cover the lower part of the bed. I sewed on a long, thin strip of velcro at the top and then used a staple gun to attach the other side of the velcro to the bed.
Now the boys each have a "secret" hiding spot. The velcro makes it easy to open the curtain whenever they want. Plus, it keeps the room looking clean. I hate clutter... can you tell?
I'm still working on my next building/sewing project...