Friday, February 11, 2011
Because of my boys' recent fascination with Greek mythology, we went on an interesting field trip this week...
A friend of mine recently shared a website that lists labyrinths all around the world. As it turns out, there are several labyrinths right in our area! We decided that we should go and visit a few of them.
We found a pretty labyrinth at a local school and we stopped and spent some time walking and talking about the Minotaur and Theseus. Matthew was very disappointed that this labyrinth did not have walls, tunnels, and a beast that was part man and part bull in the center. I guess I understand now why he likes reading about the Greeks so much.

Minotaur or not, it was still fun to wander around this little labyrinth, tucked under the evergreen trees near the shores of Puget Sound.
Our next trip to a different labyrinth failed when we couldn't actually find it where it was supposed to be located. The boys were disappointed but I promised them we'd find more when we head up to Seattle this weekend.
Isn't this beautiful? I wish I had this in my backyard!