I realize that these pictures are more than a month old now. But better late than never, right?
Joshua's 7th birthday was on June 30th and he was blessed with one glorious day of sunshine for his party. It had been raining on and off around his birthday, but the Saturday that we celebrated ended up being nice and warm. And when I say "party", I mean there was a cake. And when I say "celebrated", I mean that his friends came over. Because I am still the lamest mom ever and don't do the whole big party and gifts thing for my kids.

Joshua is our little video game nerd and he requested an Angry Birds vs. Mario birthday cake. In the end, it was just an Angry Birds cake. This was only my second time using fondant and I greatly underestimated the amount of time it would take to make everything. Still, all of the kids loved the cake and even Nathan proclaimed his love for the "ankry bawds."

We filled up the inflatable pool in our front yard and invited all of the neighbors to come swim. Our new dog loves the water so she was jumping in with the kids. We put out the slip 'n slide so that the big boys could let their testosterone flow and show off their stunts. It was very, very entertaining!
It was a great birthday for Joshua and was even more special because Jason was here for it. Joshua is Jason's mini-me and has Jason's big heart. I love that kid.

In the end, this is what I found in our garage.