We are getting settled in our new home and it already feels like we have been here forever. The moving truck arrived just 4 days before Christmas and I think I beat my old unpacking record. By the following evening, I had almost 75% of the boxes unpacked.
It's almost hard to believe that just one month ago we were RVing in Washington.
While I certainly won't miss the rain, I will miss the Puget Sound and the beauty of the surrounding area. We were blessed to call it home for awhile.

We've traded the shore for the desert. We've traded wet and cool for hot and dry. We've traded cloudy skies for the clearest view of the stars imaginable.
We enjoyed our Christmas dinner seated around our own table, in our own house. We even had a (very last-minute) Christmas tree! Our tree went up the day before Christmas Eve and while we usually take it down right after my birthday and New Year's Eve, this year it is still standing.

Don't let the winter coats or the fire in the fireplace fool you. It's warm here! Although there is snow on the mountains outside our back door, it's been a blissful 70 degrees for the last week or two. We had a bit of snow on the ground one night, but it warmed right up the next morning.

The view from our front porch is particularly beautiful at sunrise and sunset. I love it!

And, like Washington, we have some neighborhood visitors. Unlike in Washington, they have not pooped on our driveway yet.
I think 2012 is going to be a good, good year.