She had toothpaste in her hair and a certain someone (not Sarah) chopped off about 7 inches of hair to get it out.
The girls and I have been growing our hair out so we can donate it. I've been doing that every 2 or 3 years since 1999. Leila and Sarah have never donated before so they were excited about it. We'd talked about a friend's daughter who has alopecia and how they can use donated hair to make wigs.
Imagine my shock to find a large chunk of the about-to-be-donated hair in the trash can. It's just hair, I know. It'll grow back... (in another 18 months!)
Sarah asked me if they can put her hair back or make it grow back faster. I'm pretty sure that every victim of a bad haircut wishes that was possible.
So now I'm scrambling to find a stylist and have Sarah's hair "fixed" before the movers come on Thursday. The movers come on Thursday. The movers come on Thursday. Oh, yes... this will be a fun week!